Local manufacturer CadCam NI racks up sales and marketing improvements through OPTIMAL mentoring support

Precision tooling manufacturer CadCam NI who supply aerospace, automotive, pharmaceutical & general precision engineers with reverse screws got the opportunity to work with a fully funded specialist Marketing mentor courtesy of the Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council OPTIMAL business growth support programme.
With the help of a qualified and experienced Chartered Marketer the team behind the local manufacturing company took time to work on, instead of in their business, they:
  • reviewed their sales and marketing strategy and plan
  • assessed their product & service mix and identified a new product to add to their catalogue
  • analysed and evaluated their current, lapsed & future customer base for future sales leads
  • audited their digital footprint
  • identified channels to market – online & offline
  • created images and copy for marketing communications
  • optimised the LinkedIn profile of founder Kenneth Kelso
  • published a LinkedIn Company page
  • created a Google My Business profile and added the anchor reverse screw as a product
  • acquired positive online engagement and reviews
  • agreed on priority website amendments
They were also signposted to business support provided by the Invest Northern Ireland Business Information Centre, InterTradeIreland & to a number of useful business tools such as Canva.
Noting the benefits of the OPTIMAL programme to themselves as mentees and to their business, husband and wife duo Kenneth and Sharon Kelso said:
“We value the fact that the Optimal programme facilitates face to face mentorship, we needed encouragement and motivation to invest time in marketing our business. Our mentor was professional, highly motivated and has helped us take steps to improve our approach to sales and marketing and enhance the appearance of the CadCamNI brand online.”
Their son, Tim Kelso, who has studied graphic design and is now assisting with the visual marketing needs of the business added: “I’m appreciating getting the opportunity to put my graphic design skills to good use, and am excited and encouraged to consider this as a viable future business for myself.”


Founder of Cad Cam NI Kenneth Kelso with his reverse screw product that he manufactures in Antrim and Newtownabbey borough for the aerospace and pharmaceutical industries across the UK and Ireland
Founder of Cad Cam NI Kenneth Kelso with his reverse screw product that he manufactures in Antrim and Newtownabbey borough and supplies to companies in the aerospace and pharmaceutical industries across the UK and Ireland.


About the OPTIMAL business growth support programme:
OPTIMAL is Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council’s principal business support and growth programme which provides up to 5 days free, tailored and specialist business support to companies and social enterprises in the Borough.
The programme is part funded by Invest Northern Ireland and the European Regional Development Fund under the Investment for Growth & Jobs Northern Ireland (2014-2020) Programme and is managed by local enterprise agency Mallusk Enterprise Park in partnership with Antrim Enterprise and LEDCOM.
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