The Board of Directors at MEP pay tribute and thanks to Ex-Chair Noreen McClelland.

At the recent AGM and Board Meeting of Mallusk Enterprise Park (MEP), Cllr Noreen McClelland stood down as Chair but remains a Director. Commenting on her four years as Chair, incoming Chair Raymond McIlrath paid tribute to Noreen:

“Noreen has been a marvellous, hardworking Chair who always maintained an air of calm professionalism and remained committed to MEP throughout various challenges. The last couple of years have been particularly challenging but Noreen’s leadership and her rapport with the directors and staff have seen a remarkable turnaround for the company including the appointment of a new CEO, Emma Garrett, several new members of staff, new programmes and initiatives being delivered and occupancy return to high levels. It has been a pleasure to be part of Noreen’s team.”

Pictured above, from left to right at the recent AGM, are MEP Board members,  David Sales (Vice Chair), Iain Patterson (Director), Raymond McIllrath (new Chair), Noreen McClelland, Emma Garrett (Chief Executive), Directors Andrew Webb and Craig Young.




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